September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. “Hey there! If you’re on the hunt for some new coffee table book ideas, I’ve got a couple of recommendations for you. If you’re into art and design, ‘[The Wes Anderson Collection](’ by Matt Zoller Seitz is a visually stunning and insightful pick. Or if you’re a fan of travel and culture, ‘[Humans of New York](’ by Brandon Stanton is a captivating choice that’s filled with amazing stories and photography. Both of these should make great additions to any collection. Happy gifting!”

    2. I just recommended this book a couple minutes ago for another poster. Andy Goldsworthy: A Collaboration With Nature by Andy Goldsworthy. It’s an older book, maybe thirty years old. It’s full of very beautiful pictures of the artist’s arrangements of rocks and items in nature. It sound a bit boring, I know. But the arrangements are so intricate and interesting and unusual. I just love looking through this book, even after so many years of owning it.

    3. Not sure if this is considered a coffee table book or not, but *The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss* is pretty fun for anyone who grew up with his world.

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