September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone, I’m feeling a bit lost when it comes to leading a fulfilling life and understanding what’s truly important. Living a medicore life, limited friends, average job. I feel like lost and just going with the flow.

    I haven’t delved into many non-fiction books yet. Can you recommend some non-fiction reads that can provide insights into living a good life? I’ve heard of authors like Nassim Taleb, Robert Greene, and Malcolm Gladwell – are their books suitable for this journey?

    by crypto_9922

    1 Comment

    1. Malcolm Gladwell – no. He is an amateur pop psychologist who comes up with a snappy tagline and forms a philosophy around it. I’d look at some inspiring memoirs of people who found change. Cheryl Strayed’s Wild is a great book about finding yourself through radical change. Don’t worry, a lot of people feel like you, but it’s not a permanent state, you could meet someone or get an opportunity – no door is ever closed unless you shut it yourself.

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